ZB Wire Works, Inc. stock welded mesh ready to ship within one day from our inventory. Based on our 30 years of experience, these are the most common sizes used in the industry.

Welded Mesh Stock Inventory Available:

Plain steel welded wire mesh with edge wires, overhang within 1/16″ (nice straight wires & flat), manufactured in the USA.

zb wire works inventory

Mesh centers / Clear Opening Wire Diameter Lbs / SQ. FT. % Open Area 4′ x 8′ 4′ x 10′ 5′ x 10′ Open PDF for more information
1″ x 1″ (.8795″ SQ. opening) 11ga (.1205″) 0.946 75.6%
1″ x 1″ (.865″ SQ. opening) 10ga (.135″) 1.187 72.6%
1 1/2″ x 1 1/2″ (1.3795″ SQ. opening) 11ga (.1205″) 0.635 83.6% N/A
2″ x 1″ (.880″ SQ. opening) 11ga (.120″) 0.715 81.6%
2″ x 2″ (1.865″ SQ. opening) 10ga (.135″) 0.602 86.1%
2″ x 2″ (1.8125″ SQ. opening) 3/16″ (.1875″) 1.161 80.7%
2″ x 2″ (1.7563″ SQ. opening) 3ga (.2437″) 1.96 75%
3″ x 3″ (2.8125″ SQ. opening) 3/16″ (.1875″) 0.786 87%
3″ x 3″ (2.7563″ SQ. opening) 3ga (.2437″) 1.326 83.1%
4″ x 4″ (3.8125″ SQ. opening) 3/16″ (.1875″) 0.598 90.1%
4″ x 4″ (3.7563″ SQ. opening) 3ga (.2437″) 1.01 87.1%